Nest DC
Home Exterior
Take a walk around your property to inspect for any damage or needs for repair. This can include but is not limited to paint touch-ups, loose boards or railings, degrading/unstable decks, termite damage, cracked tuckpointing, sinking foundations, broken window or door seals, gutters, and roofs.
Pro Tip: Book those professionals before they are too busy to fit you into their schedule. The warmer season is their busy season.
Pro Tip: Purchase a large outdoor bin to store cushions in wet weather! This will extend your cushions' life and prevent mold and mildew. Plus, you'll have zero wait time when the sun comes out, and you're ready to be outside. No one likes sitting on a surprise damp cushion!
Home Interior:
Schedule your biannual HVAC tune-up. There's nothing worse than finding out your A/C doesn't work just as the weather heats up. Like other home service vendors, these professionals book up during their busy season. It's good practice to call and schedule your HVAC tune-up early.
Preventative maintenance keeps our homes happy! Happy homes make for happy residents who cultivate strong local communities that sustain our city, DC. Check out our other posts for more happy home content!